Terminology of movement

Terminology of Movement

 Flexion(flekshan)refers to a movement that bends a joint or
decreases the angle between two bones.  

Extension (uhk·sten·shn) refers to a movement that straightens a joint or increases the
angle between two bones.

But, the direction of
movements varies   joint to joint. In the shoulder joint, forward movement
is known as flexion, but in the knee joint, backward movement is known as

Abduction (uhb·duhk·shn)  moving away from the sagittal

uh·duhk·shn)moving  toward the sagittal plane 

 But, the meaning of the abduction and adduction is different in different joints

and adduction of digit and toe:
During abduction of digit and toe, movement
occurs away from the third finger or second toe

of thumb:
thumb attach at the radial margin of index finger


Adduction of thumb: thumb moves away from
index finger. Thumb should be above the index finger not the lateral side of index

types of movements

All Movements of
temporomandibular joint are special

Protraction(prow·trak·shn)andRetraction(ree·trak·shn) moving forward and
backward along a surface. 
Fig 2.17

Elevation and Depression raising or lowering a

Circumduction is the combined movements. of
flexion, extension, abduction, adduction, medial & lateral rotation and
circumscribe a cone. 

Supination(soo-pi-nay-shn)  rotation of the forearm and hand so that the palm faces forward or upward.

Opposition( aa·puh·zi·shn): bringing tips of
fingers and thumb together as in picking something up. It is the combination of
flexion and medial rotation of thumb

 Pronation(pro-nai-shn )rotation of the hand and forearm so that the palm faces backward or downward. 

Opposition( aa·puh·zi·shn): bringing tips of
fingers and thumb together as in picking something up. It is the combination of
flexion and medial rotation of thumb

Inversion and eversion :

Inversion (in·vur·zhn) is the movement in which the sole of the foot rotates towards the midline, while the lateral border of the foot is directed inferiorly.

Eversion (e-vur-zhn) is the movement in which the sole of the foot is laterally orientated while the medial border of the foot is directed inferiorly

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