Terminology of joint

 Terminology of joint

Joint:articulation between two or more bones, whether there is movement between them or not.

Structurally, joints are three types Fig 2.2

·       Fibrous joint : two/ more than two bones are connected by fibrous tissue.

·       Cartilaginous (kaar·tuh·la·juh·nuhs)  joints : two / more than two bones are connected by cartilage (kaar·tuh·luhj).

·       Synovial(suh·now·vee·uhl) joint: two / more than two bones are separated by joint cavity which is filled by synovial fluid.

Terminology  of joint according to location : shoulder joint, knee joint, wrist joint etc.

Terminology  of joint according to the name of articular surfaces of joint:

Temporomandibular joint:  Two articular surfaces, one  is the Mandibular fossa of Temporal bone   and another is the condylar process of Mandible. So joint name according to the name of two bones temporal bone and mandibular bone

Terminology  of joint according to location and articular surfaces of joint :

Superior     radio   –   ulnar joint

Location   Superior part of Radius and Ulna

Terminology of joint according to bony part and cartilaginous part

Costochondral joint :costo means rib (bone) and chondro mean cartilage

Symphysis (sim-fa-sis) pubis / symphysis menti: Physis mean union, meeting point or commissure  of any two structures. Two pubic bones join together by cartilage.


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