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An epidural hematoma (EDH) is a skull injury that occurs when blood accumulates between the skull and the endosteal dura mater of cranium.
Mainly, the middle meningeal artery is torn, so, accumulation of blood is rapid.
It is occurred due to fracture of skull bone/bones
It is rarely occurs in children
Fracture commonly occur in the temporal-parietal area, because bones of this area is relatively thin
CT scan findings: biconvex or lens shape collection of blood, the blood tends to accumulate in the limited space between the dura mater and the skull.
The accumulation of blood is limited due to the firm attachment of dura to skull and fixed attachment of the dura to the cranial sutures. So it is may or may not cross the suture lines due to dura mater follows the natural shapes of the bones, including the sutures.